Ultimate Guide: How to Collect Donations Online

Online donations are vital for nonprofits, community projects, and personal causes. They expand reach, lower costs, and offer unmatched convenience. With the surge in internet and mobile use, supporting causes from anywhere is easier than ever.
Illustration of diverse hands holding red hearts, symbolising community support and unity in giving.


The purpose of this post is to provide a thorough guide for organisations and individuals on how to collect donations online effectively. Whether you are a nonprofit looking to expand your fundraising efforts or an individual seeking to support a personal cause, this guide will cover everything you need to know, from choosing the right platform and setting up your donation page to implementing effective strategies and ensuring security. By the end of this post, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the best practices and tools available to maximise your online fundraising efforts.

Illustration of a person watering a plant with banknotes and coins, representing how to collect donations online.

1. Understanding Online Donations

1.1 - Definition of Online Donations

What are Online Donations?

Online donations are financial contributions made via the Internet to support various causes, including nonprofit organisations, community projects, personal fundraising efforts, and emergency relief initiatives. These donations are typically processed through dedicated online platforms or websites that facilitate secure transactions and efficient fund collection.

How do Online Donations Work?

The process of online donations involves several key steps:

  1. Donation Page Setup: Organisations create a donation page on a fundraising platform. This page includes details about the cause, suggested donation amounts, and options for one-time or recurring donations.

  2. Donor Interaction: Donors visit the page, select an amount, and enter their payment information. They may also choose to provide additional details, such as contact information.

  3. Payment Processing: The donation platform processes the payment using secure payment gateways that protect the donor’s financial information. Standard payment methods include credit/debit cards, PayPal, digital wallets, and bank transfers.

  4. Confirmation and Receipts: Once the payment is processed, the donor receives a confirmation email and, often, a tax-deductible receipt. After a short processing period, the funds are transferred to the organisation’s account.

2. Growth and Popularity of Online Donations

Online donations have grown significantly over the past decade, driven by the increasing penetration of Internet access and the convenience of digital transactions. According to data, the ability to collect donations 24/7 and the ease of setting up online campaigns have made digital fundraising an essential tool for many organisations.

2.1 - Importance of Online Donations

For Nonprofits, Community Projects, and Personal Causes

Online donations are crucial for nonprofits and fundraising campaigns due to their broader reach and lower overhead costs than traditional methods. They allow organisations to tap into a global donor base, making it easier to raise significant amounts of money quickly and efficiently.

Advantages Over Traditional Fundraising Methods

  1. Broader Reach: Online platforms enable fundraisers to reach a wider audience beyond their immediate geographic area.
  2. Lower Costs: Digital fundraising reduces the need for physical events and associated costs, such as venue rentals and printed materials.
  3. Convenience: Donors can contribute from anywhere, using various payment methods. This convenience often leads to higher donation rates.

2.2 - Overview of the Process

Step-by-Step Explanation of How Online Donations Are Processed

  1. Setting Up a Donation Page: Choose a reliable online donation platform and create a dedicated page with compelling content and a clear call to action.
  2. Donor Visit: Potential donors visit the page, read about the cause, and decide to donate.
  3. Payment Information: Donors fill out a simple form with their payment details.
  4. Processing: The donation is processed through secure payment gateways, ensuring the safety and confidentiality of donor information.
  5. Confirmation: Donors receive a confirmation message and an email receipt for their records.
  6. Fund Transfer: The funds are transferred to the organisation’s account, usually after a brief processing period.

Key Terms

By understanding these elements, organisations can better use online donation tools to maximise their fundraising efforts and achieve their financial goals.

Illustration of a person interacting with graphical elements, representing online donations setup.

3. Setting Up for Online Donations

3.1 - Choosing the Right Platform

Importance of Selecting a Reliable Online Donation Platform

Selecting the right online donation platform is crucial for the success of your fundraising efforts. Here are the key factors to consider:
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Reliability and Security

Ensure the platform has robust security measures, including encryption and PCI DSS compliance, to protect donor information and build trust.

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Ease of Use

The platform should offer an intuitive user interface for administrators and donors, making the donation process smooth and straightforward.

Graduation cap icon

Integration Capabilities

Look for platforms that integrate seamlessly with your existing website, CRM, email marketing tools, and other systems to streamline operations and data management.

Graduation cap icon


The ability to customise donation forms, receipts, and communication materials to match your organisation's branding is essential for maintaining a consistent donor experience.

Overview of Popular Platforms

  1. GoFundMe:
    • Features: Ideal for personal and grassroots fundraising, easy setup, and extensive reach through social sharing.
    • Fees: 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction.
    • User Experience: User-friendly with strong social media integration.
    • Support: Comprehensive support and resources for campaign management.
  2. Donorbox:
    • Features: Recurring donations, custom donation forms, donor management, and integrations with major platforms.
    • Fees: 1.5% platform fee, plus payment processing fees.
    • User Experience: Clean, customisable forms and robust donor management tools.
    • Support: Extensive documentation and customer support.
  3. Givengain:
    • Features: Global reach, peer-to-peer fundraising, and event management.
    • Fees: 5% platform fee, plus payment processing fees.
    • User Experience: Comprehensive features for large-scale campaigns.
    • Support: Dedicated support and resources for nonprofits.
  4. GoCardless:
    • Features: Focus on direct debit payments suitable for recurring donations.
    • Fees: 1% per transaction, capped at £2.
    • User Experience: Simple setup for recurring payment plans.
    • Support: Strong customer support and detailed documentation.
  5. Salesforce:
    • Features: Advanced CRM capabilities, donor management, and extensive customisation options.
    • Fees: Varies based on customisation and add-ons.
    • User Experience: Powerful but may require technical expertise for setup.
    • Support: Extensive support and a large community of users.
  6. Stripe:
    • Features: Flexible payment processing, customisable checkout, and robust API.
    • Fees: 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction.
    • User Experience: Highly customisable but requires technical setup.
    • Support: Comprehensive support and resources for developers.
  7. EziDebit:
    • Features: Australian-based platform specialising in direct debit and BPAY.
    • Fees: Custom pricing based on usage.
    • User Experience: Tailored for Australian nonprofits with local support.
    • Support: Dedicated customer support and integration assistance.

3.2 - Creating a Donation Page

Steps to Create an Effective Donation Page

  1. Choosing a Platform:
    • Select a platform that fits your needs and integrate it with your website.
  2. Setting Up an Account:
    • Register with your chosen platform and complete any necessary verifications.
  3. Designing the Page:
    • Use the platform’s tools to create a compelling donation page that aligns with your brand.

Essential Elements of a Donation Page

  1. Compelling Story:
    • Craft a narrative that resonates with potential donors. Use personal stories, testimonials, and impact statements to connect emotionally.
  2. Clear Call-to-Action:
    • Include direct and urgent calls to action, encouraging immediate donations.
  3. Suggested Donation Amounts:
    • Display donation tiers to guide donors. Research suggests that providing suggested amounts can increase average donation sizes.

Example of a Well-Designed Donation Page

A successful donation page might include:
  • Visuals: High-quality images and videos that tell your story.
  • Copy: Clear, concise, and compelling text that explains the need and impact.
  • Layout: An intuitive design with easy navigation and minimal distractions.
  • Functionality: Options for one-time and recurring donations, multiple payment methods, and mobile responsiveness.


By adhering to these guidelines and selecting the appropriate tools, you can develop donation pages that effectively inspire generosity and streamline the donation process. For additional support, explore our web design and services page, or feel free to contact us to discuss your needs further.

4. Additional Methods for Collecting Donations Online

Online platforms are popular and effective tools for collecting donations, but they are not the only options. Here are several methods organisations and individuals can use to collect donations online and through other digital means.

  1. Direct Donations via Website Integration:
    • Custom Donation Forms: Many organisations integrate custom donation forms directly on their websites, bypassing third-party platforms. This method allows for more control over the branding and user experience.
    • Payment Gateways: Integrating payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, or Square into a website can facilitate secure donations without needing a dedicated fundraising platform.
  2. Social Media Fundraising:
    • Facebook Fundraisers: Facebook provides tools for nonprofits and individuals to create fundraising campaigns directly on the platform. These can be easily shared and promoted among followers.
    • Instagram and Twitter: These platforms offer features like donation stickers and links that can be added to posts and stories, making it simple for followers to contribute.
  3. Email Campaigns:
    • Direct Appeal Emails: Sending emails with embedded donation links can effectively reach existing supporters and encourage donations.
    • Email Marketing Tools: Services like Mailchimp and Constant Contact allow for personalised and segmented email campaigns, increasing engagement and donation rates.
  4. Text-to-Give Campaigns:
    • SMS Donations: Donors can give via text message by sending a keyword to a designated number. This convenient method can be integrated into live events and media campaigns.
  5. Peer-to-Peer Fundraising:
    • Crowdfunding: Platforms like GoFundMe and JustGiving allow individuals to create personal fundraising pages and leverage their networks to raise money for causes they care about.
    • Team Fundraising: Organisations can set up peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns where supporters create their own sub-campaigns, increasing reach and engagement.
  6. Virtual Events and Livestreams:
    • Live Fundraising Events: Hosting virtual events, such as webinars, concerts, or galas, where attendees can donate in real time.
    • Streaming Platforms: Using YouTube, Twitch, or Zoom with integrated donation buttons or links.
  7. E-commerce and Affiliate Programs:
    • Shopify and E-commerce Donations: Some online stores offer features where a percentage of sales is donated to a chosen charity. This can be set up through platforms like Shopify’s Give & Grow app.
    • AmazonSmile: A portion of purchases made on Amazon through the AmazonSmile program are donated to selected charities.
  8. Cryptocurrency Donations:
    • Accepting Cryptocurrencies: Some nonprofits accept donations in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, using platforms that facilitate these transactions securely.
  9. QR Codes:
    • Donation QR Codes: Organisations can generate QR codes linked to their donation pages. These can be printed on materials or displayed digitally, allowing donors to scan and contribute quickly.


While online fundraising platforms offer a range of features and integrations that simplify the donation process, multiple other methods of collecting donations can complement or serve as alternatives to these platforms. Integrating these various methods can enhance a fundraising strategy, making it more robust and accessible to a broader audience.

These diverse methods ensure that organisations can tailor their fundraising efforts best to suit their needs and donors’ preferences.

Illustration of a person lying down with coins and a jar, representing online payment and security.

5. Payment Methods and Security

5.1 - Payment Options

Different Payment Methods

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Credit/Debit Cards

  • The most common method for online donations. Nearly every donation platform supports major credit and debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express).
  • Benefits: Widely recognised and trusted by donors, immediate processing, and easy integration with donation platforms.

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Direct Debit

  • It allows donors to authorise regular, automatic donations directly from their bank accounts, and it is popular in regions like the UK and Europe.
  • Benefits: It is ideal for recurring donations, has lower transaction fees than credit cards, and increases donor retention by simplifying repeat contributions.

Sitemap within a webpage icon

Digital Wallets

  • Includes services like PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay, facilitating quick payments without entering card details each time.
  • Benefits: Enhanced security, speed, and convenience, especially for mobile donations. Popular among younger donors and tech-savvy individuals.

Benefits of Offering Multiple Payment Options to Increase Accessibility

  • Inclusivity: Catering to different donor preferences increases the likelihood of receiving donations. Some donors may prefer using digital wallets over credit cards due to ease of use and perceived security.
  • Convenience: Providing multiple payment options makes the donation process smoother, potentially leading to higher conversion rates.
  • Global Reach: Different regions have varying preferred payment methods. Offering a range of options can attract international donors and broaden your fundraising base.

Emerging Payment Technologies

  • Cryptocurrencies:
    • Accepting donations in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum can attract a new segment of donors who prefer digital currencies.
    • Benefits: Lower transaction fees, access to a global donor base, and appeal to tech-savvy individuals. Additionally, blockchain technology ensures transparent and secure transactions.
  • Contactless Payments:
    • It utilises NFC technology for quick, tap-to-donate options and is suitable for in-person events and mobile devices.
    • Benefits: Fast and convenient, reducing the friction in the donation process and potentially increasing impulse donations.
  • Other Innovations:
    • Technologies like QR code payments and voice-activated donations (e.g., via smart assistants) are emerging, making the donation process even more seamless and accessible.

5.2 - Ensuring Security

Importance of Secure Transactions

Ensuring the security of online transactions is paramount for building and maintaining donor trust. Donors must feel confident that their personal and financial information is protected from fraud and misuse. Secure transactions not only protect donors but also safeguard the organisation’s reputation.

Best Practices for Ensuring Payment Security

  1. Using SSL Certificates:
    • SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates encrypt data transmitted between the donor’s browser and the server, ensuring the protection of sensitive information during transfer.
    • Benefits: Builds trust with donors by displaying the secure padlock icon and “https” in the URL, indicating a secure connection.
  2. PCI Compliance:
    • Adhering to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) ensures that organisations handling credit card information meet rigorous security standards.
    • Benefits: It reduces the risk of data breaches and fraud and demonstrates a commitment to maintaining high-security standards.
  3. Encryption:
    • Encrypting stored data ensures that it cannot be read or used maliciously, even if unauthorised access occurs.
    • Benefits: Protects donor data from being compromised and adds an additional layer of security.
  4. Fraud Detection:
    • Implement systems for real-time fraud detection and prevention, such as monitoring unusual transaction patterns and requiring multi-factor authentication.
    • Benefits: Prevents fraudulent transactions and protects the organisation and the donor from potential losses.

Trusted Payment Processors

  1. Stripe:
    • Features: Robust API for custom integrations, supports multiple currencies and payment methods, and includes advanced security features.
    • Benefits: Highly customisable, secure, and reliable. Ideal for organisations with specific needs and technical capabilities.
  2. PayPal:
    • Features: Widely recognised, easy to set up, supports donations via PayPal accounts and credit/debit cards, and offers fraud protection.
    • Benefits: Trusted by donors worldwide, easy to use, and integrates well with most donation platforms.
  3. Other Reputable Processors:
    • Square: Known for its ease of use and robust security measures, it is a good choice for smaller organisations.
    • GoCardless: Specialises in direct debit payments, offering lower fees and better support for recurring donations.

By implementing these payment options and security measures, organisations can create a safe, accessible, and donor-friendly environment that encourages generous giving and builds lasting trust​ (Beest App)​​ (Donorbox)​​ (GiveWP)​​ (Let’s Fundraise Together!)​.

Illustration of a person working on a laptop with charts and documents, representing tools and resources.

6. Tools and Resources

6.1 - Overview of Useful Tools

Various tools can be utilised to manage donors, execute email marketing campaigns, and handle social media engagement to enhance your fundraising efforts. Here’s an overview of some essential tools:

  1. Donor Management Software:
    • Salesforce: A robust CRM system designed for larger organisations, offering extensive integration capabilities, marketing automation, and advanced data analytics. It’s ideal for managing donor relationships and tracking donor interactions comprehensively.
    • Bloomerang: Specifically tailored for nonprofits, Bloomerang focuses on donor retention and provides tools for donor database management, online giving, volunteer management, and reporting. Its integration with email marketing tools like Mailchimp and Constant Contact enhances its functionality.
    • Bloomerang + Kindful: This combination allows nonprofits to manage donations, track donor interactions, and gain insights through powerful reporting and analytics tools.
  2. Email Marketing Tools:
    • Mailchimp: Offers a range of features, including marketing automation, audience segmentation, and detailed analytics. Mailchimp’s free plan suits small nonprofits, while its advanced plans support more extensive email lists and complex campaigns.
    • Constant Contact: Known for its user-friendly interface and tailored features for small to medium-sized businesses. It supports email campaigns, surveys, and event management, with robust integration capabilities with donor management systems like Bloomerang.
  3. Social Media Management Tools:
    • Hootsuite: This tool allows you to manage multiple social media accounts, schedule posts, and monitor engagement from a single dashboard. It is invaluable for maintaining a consistent online presence and effectively engaging with your audience.
    • Buffer: Like Hootsuite, Buffer provides scheduling, analytics, and collaboration features. It’s particularly useful for planning and automating social media content across various platforms.

6.2 - How to Use These Tools Effectively

  1. Integrating Tools into Your Fundraising Strategy:
    • Salesforce Integration: Use Salesforce to track donor interactions, automate marketing campaigns, and analyse donor data to tailor your fundraising strategies. Integrate it with email marketing tools to streamline communications.
    • Bloomerang and Mailchimp/Constant Contact: Integrate Bloomerang with Mailchimp or Constant Contact to synchronise donor data and email engagement metrics. This integration allows you to personalise communications based on donor behaviour and donation history.
  2. Automating Tasks:
    • Email Marketing Automation: Use Mailchimp or Constant Contact to automate email campaigns, such as a welcome series for new donors or thank-you emails after donations. Automation saves time and ensures timely communication with donors.
    • Social Media Scheduling: Schedule posts in advance using Hootsuite or Buffer. Automation tools help maintain a consistent posting schedule, which is crucial for keeping your audience engaged without manual effort.
  3. Analysing Data:
    • Reporting and Analytics: Use Salesforce and Bloomerang’s reporting tools to track campaign performance. Analyse data on donor behaviour, email open rates, and social media engagement to refine your strategies and improve outcomes.

6.3 - Examples of Organisations Successfully Using These Tools

  1. Charity: Water:
    • Tools Used: Salesforce for donor management and Mailchimp for email campaigns.
    • Impact: The integration of these tools allowed Charity: Water to personalise donor communications, track the lifecycle of donor relationships, and optimise their fundraising efforts based on data insights. This approach significantly boosted their donor retention and fundraising success.
  2. Save the Children:
    • Tools Used: Hootsuite for social media management and Constant Contact for email marketing.
    • Impact: By effectively using these tools, Save the Children maintained a robust online presence, engaged with donors through targeted email campaigns, and tracked engagement metrics to improve their outreach strategies continuously.


By leveraging these tools and integrating them into your fundraising strategy, your organisation can enhance its ability to manage donor relationships, automate communication tasks, and analyse data for informed decision-making. This will ultimately lead to more effective fundraising efforts and more tremendous success in achieving your mission​ (Bloomerang)​​ (ThinkPod Agency)​​ (Mailchimp)​.

7. Legal and Ethical Considerations

7.1 - Importance of Transparency and Accountability

Building Trust with Donors through Clear Communication and Reporting

Transparency and accountability are fundamental to building and maintaining trust with donors. Organisations can demonstrate their commitment to honesty and integrity by clearly communicating how donations are used, encouraging continued support and engagement.
  1. Clear Financial Reporting:
    • Provide regular updates on the financial status of fundraising campaigns, including detailed reports on how funds are allocated and spent.
    • Publish annual financial statements and reports, making them easily accessible to donors and stakeholders.
  2. Open Communication:
    • Keep donors informed about the progress and impact of their contributions through newsletters, emails, and social media updates.
    • Address concerns or questions promptly and transparently, ensuring donors feel valued and respected.
  3. Impact Reporting:
Share success stories and case studies highlighting donor contributions’ tangible outcomes. Use visuals and testimonials to illustrate the real-world impact of donations.

7.2 - Legal Requirements for Collecting Donations Online

Registration and Compliance with Fundraising Laws

Organisations must comply with various legal requirements when collecting donations online to ensure legitimacy and protect donor interests.
  1. Registration:
    • Ensure the organisation is registered with relevant regulatory bodies, such as the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) for Australian charities. This registration confirms the organisation’s legal status and eligibility to solicit donations.
  2. Fundraising Licences:
    • Obtain necessary fundraising licences or permits as required by state or territory laws. Each region may have specific requirements and regulations governing fundraising activities.
  3. Compliance with Fundraising Laws:
    • Adhere to national and local fundraising laws, including those related to solicitation practices, financial reporting, and donor communications. Non-compliance can result in legal penalties and damage to the organisation’s reputation.
  4. Handling Donor Data:
    • Comply with data protection laws, such as the Privacy Act 1988 in Australia, which governs personal information collection, use, and storage. Ensure robust data protection measures are in place to safeguard donor information from breaches and misuse.

7.3 - Best Practices for Ethical Fundraising

How to Collect Donations Online: Ethical Considerations

Ethical fundraising practices are essential to maintain donor trust and ensure the organisation’s integrity.

  1. Transparency:
    • Be open about fundraising costs and how donations will be used. Avoid misleading or exaggerated claims about the impact of contributions.
  2. Donor Privacy:
    • Respect donor privacy by protecting their personal information and honouring their communication preferences. Do not share donor details without explicit consent.
  3. Avoiding Donor Fatigue:
    • Balance fundraising efforts to avoid overwhelming donors with constant requests for contributions. Implement a thoughtful communication strategy that nurtures long-term relationships rather than focusing solely on immediate donations.
  4. Accountability:
    • Establish clear policies and procedures for managing donations and ensuring funds are used as intended. Regularly review and audit financial practices to maintain high standards of accountability.
  5. Ethical Appeals:
    • Use ethical and respectful appeals in fundraising campaigns. Avoid exploiting vulnerable individuals or situations to elicit donations.

By adhering to these legal and ethical guidelines, organisations can build a solid foundation of trust and credibility with their donors, fostering a supportive and sustainable fundraising environment.

Next Article: How to Ask for Donations: Strategies for Success

Unlock essential tips and proven strategies to effectively engage donors and boost your fundraising efforts. Including insights on crafting compelling messages, building trust, and driving donations to support your cause.

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